- Developed, tested and deployed website converter microservice, and integrated new features into website builder Flowpage API, shortening 98% of transition time for users from company’s competitors
- Coded in Node.js using TypeScript, Express, Multer, Cheerio.js, Hapi.js, Axios, and REST; managed Azure SQL DB and Firebase using TypeORM, GraphQL, Apollo; tested and deployed using Docker, Jest, SuperTest, and ESlint
- Contributed around 14,000 lines of code in the first month, and completed all tasks within half of deadline time
- Collaborated in team of 11 developers and PM using Agile and GitHub in 12-week paid internship
Implemented in React, Redux, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap. Contact me directly for previous work projects
Implemented in Python, MongoDB, PyMongo, REST API, JSON. Contact me directly for previous work projects
A React web app to get geolocation based on IP address, store location information
in MongoDB, and query by date and last N locations. Implemented using
React, MongoDB Atlas, Express, Node.js, CORS, axios, nodemon, Bootstrap,
ipstack API and HTML.
Git repo &
Demo Video
Learn music pieces from Renaissance to Post-Modernism and take a quiz. Deployed using AWS.
Implemented using Flask, JavaScript, jquery, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS
A published chrome extension integrated with Facebook birthday page and Google Calendar.
Written in JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.
Git repo &
Install at Chrome Store
A social network web app to help transfer students integrate into new school.
Implemented in Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, Google Compute Engine.
Git repo
Top 5% in COMS 4995 Intro to Data Visulization course at Columbia University.
Written in JavaScript, p5.js, HTML